We need a “Soldiers First Policy.” Our soldiers have sacrificed all of themselves, mentally, spiritually and physically, for this country, allowing us the freedom and liberties we enjoy daily..
We regularly spend billions in aid, toward countries and battles that are not
always our own.. I get it. But, why can’t we have a “Soldiers First Policy.” Fight
the battles of homelessness, mental illness, soldier suicide, here at home first..
Imagine leaving your family and loved ones behind, fully committed to fight
and die, for a country that often fails in their commitment to you.. Yet, they
constantly hear of the billions in military aid willfully spent within countries you know little of, and upon soldiers not our own. It is certainly justified, should a soldier sometimes feel alone and forgotten.. set aside, after sacrificing his all, for all…
I’ve seen the lines and lines of tents outside our federal buildings and Veteran
Hospitals.. Stop pretending you don’t see them! You know where they come
from? They are survivors of the battles and many wars, you’ve chosen to forget…
If there are any real politicians left.. We need to adopt a “Soldiers First Policy.”
Stop turning a blind eye, and do what you know should be done.
Don McDaniels
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